Saturday, December 30, 2006

A preview of a digital guest book

Something I'm working on for the IDS opening on January 23rd.

If you have a tablet pc or a cintiq, this site is pretty addictive in its blend of simplicity and sophistication.

I just happened on it as I searched for a flash drawing component. The fact that it does movies of the progress of the drawing is very nice...and a nice tool.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

stardust at home

This image appeared as I was doing my scientific duty at stardust at home. It's time to come clean. I'm addicted to looking for stardust. It's a combination of the delight of finding beautiful images like the one above, a healthy sense of competition, a desire for stardust glory, and yes obsessive compulsion. I had to share.

Friday, December 22, 2006

Great description of Bhuddist deity

Here is a video of a bhuddist tulku describing the vajrayogini deity. I post this here because it's a great example of the precision needed in visualizations.