Sunday, February 25, 2007

99 rooms in interactive pictures

Stumbled on this interesting place to visit...interactive pics of 99 rooms. The room captured above had some very nice auditory and visual interaction.
I wonder if this type of work could be a middleground...something between animated worlds and web hopping. As a navigation strategy it could be very interesting to explore.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Uh oh...internet rage ahead

Apparently we're heading towards 'epic' (love these words) traffic jams.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

D-Wave with a claim to Q computer

D-Wave a Vancouver company (yay Canada) has announced a demo next week of their 16 bit Quantum computer. I was too late getting the news to book a front row seat. But it will be broadcasted on the internet the 13th of Februrary, Tuesday.

Here's a nice pic...beautiful but almost too "the same" :) like I was expecting some kind of crazy chaotic design with wires all over the place and dry ice...