Monday, March 22, 2010

Monday skirmishes (day 206)

I have a theory that half of us get to Monday raring to go.  The other half are dreading the first half.  Sometimes I'm the inflicter of pain and sometimes I'm the victim.  Today I wasn't sure which one I'd be.  It seemed like a pretty good day and by noon I was pretty much on top of my email but it became obvious I was outnumbered by the energetic Monday lovers.  By the end of the day I was behind and it kept on coming past 9pm.  I'm hoping tomorrow the Monday lovers take a breather.  I'll catch up and give them a Wednesday worth any lover's Monday.  

People in IDS are hard at work getting the Stereoscopic 3D Centre off the ground.  I've been playing around with stereo 3D for about ten years but always on the CG end of things, the easy 3D where you generate the views rather than capture them.  Because a big emphasis in the new S3D centre will be live action capture with a cinematic rig, I've had to get up to speed really quickly on video hardware for movie making which can get arbitrarily complicated it seems.  A simple look at movie credit gives an idea of the complexity.  Looking around for a portable capture system gave some relief.  In a previous post I mentioned I had settled on a rig from Inition with some Sony cameras but I ended up changing my mind after speaking with Ari from Silicon Imaging.  Their 2K Mini cameras with a matched field recorder seemed ideally suited to what we wanted to do.  High quality cameras with a choice of lenses and the capacity for calibrating and recording on a mini touch screen.  I'm totally looking forward to testing it out in the spring.  At 7cm across, they'll be great for a range of shooting situations.  And then once I have the footage, I'll go through the learning curve of editing S3D footage.  I have a feeling this summer will be one interesting journey, starting with the Oboro residency in May.

But many Mondays until then.  One at a time.  One at a time.

A song for this post.

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