Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Suiting up to fight (day 242)

Is it a coincidence that there's been a few movies about vigilantes lately?  Movies like Defendor and Kick-Ass that have flawed real-life superheroes take the restoration of justice into their own hands? Defendor was bittersweet.  The superhero, a little slow but honest, was looking for Captain Industry.    Kick-Ass I think was supposed to be funny but it left me feeling uncomfortable.  The portrayal of a killer young kid (9 or 10?) was a natural progression of other violent movies we see but I don't think it's a progression we should be proud of.  Surely there is a better role model for young girls between that and Britney Spears. What I did like about the movie was the fact that the superheroes found and created each other.

Someone taking justice into their own hands is a familiar theme in movies but what I'm seeing is the bringing down of the hero to the level of the every day person.  I wonder if this is a response to latent anger in the population.  Even the term Robin Hood tax being bandied about lately is interesting in that respect.  The vigilante movies are still using very personal motivations for the superheroes so maybe I'm reading too much into them.  Is there a point at which the clumsy everyday hero decides to take on more than 'bad guys'?  Maybe the superhero trope is just an extension of individualism and it never amounts to much.  We'll have to see where it goes.

Here's a game based on the flawed superhero theme (via pardenarden).

A song for this post.

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