Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Lark envy (day 75)

Days when I don't have to go to work trigger a slide toward my true nature of night owl.   I am not a lark, have never been a lark.  I do enjoy the smell of early morning and the sun's first shine of the day but I rarely get to see either.   Unfortunately (and unfairly), the world is made for early risers.   And oh I envy them.   People who gladly wake up at 5am and saunter in to work a leisurely 4 hours later.   I wake up at 7 usually groggy after an indulgent late night and struggle to work out, eat, shower and get to work by 10.   On vacation I settle in to a rhythm of going to bed at 2am and waking out at 10.   Part of me can see understand the rationale of an early start.  Part of me feels out of step and unnatural.  But I honestly prefer the evening to the morning.

I once went to Tuktoyaktuk way up north.  The most northern town before hitting the research outposts.  It was June and the sun went around and around the horizon.  I totally loved feeling of not aging resulting from the lack of reference points.  The best part though was the lack of schedules.  People slept when they were tired, got up when they were rested.  Shops opened when they opened.  Babies were walked at all hours.   In Tuk, I was not a night owl or a lark.  I was just someone that could enjoy any hour like any other.

A song for this post.
Update: This is the song I really wanted to post.

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