Monday, May 03, 2010

Resounding sanity amidst frustration (day 248)

Leila tried using the Sony TG1s with the digi-dat remote but she said it was highly frustrating to have to wait for the moment where the initial sync is less than 1ms.  It breaks all spontaneity and creates a lot of tension when trying to get a good shot.  She was shooting a soccer game with 10 minute periods so fiddling with the cameras for 5-6 minutes was too frustrating to be worth it.  She did get some footage but we didn't have time to look at it today.  In any case, it looks like we'll have to find another solution, or other cameras that are better synced than the ones we have.  We do have the Silicon Imaging cameras but are still waiting on the field recorder.  Hopefully we'll have it soon and can use the setup during the residency.  Time is getting tight but hope lives on. 

We also tried to make the singing bowl resonate without being struck.  Miles used a piezo vibrating at the same frequency as the bowl (~457 Hz).  The results were interesting but not as successful as we'd hoped.  The bowl would resonate a little bit at some specific spots but not to the point of giving the rich sound of stroking or striking the bowl.  Miles will keep working at it.  It's possible we could use a mix of vibrations or some kind of amplifier to create the effect we're seeking.

Lastly, today I came across this interview with Father Miguel D'Escoto, former President of the United Nations. I had never seen or heard him speak before.  Sometimes the strength and sanity of older humans are awe-inspiring.  Miguel D'Escoto has that awe-inspiring quality.  I think there is a lot of truth in what he is saying about the way we name things to normalize them.  We name wars and they become crusades.  We name groups of people getting killed and we forget they were ever individuals.  I also liked the way he talked about being unashamed to stand up for 'Mother Earth'.  It is not us that are insane.  We should care. 

A song for this post.

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