Saturday, September 12, 2009

Between nesting and jumping (day 15)

Salman Rushdie said in an interview on CBC that everyone has a wish for home and a wish for adventure.   Steve and I both laughed at the description he gave (if you've never heard SR speak, search for it, it's a of my favourite is this one).    Part of the reason we laughed is because we are currently in a rental apartment that needs work and we're not sure the owners will do the hover between staying and leaving in a maddening dance of pros and cons. 

Several times in my life I've had the urge to throw it all away and just do something completely different.  I've done some pretty crazy turns but never truly just stopped and jumped without a net.   I'm either a sucker for continuity or just plain scared that things will turn out badly and I'll end up on the street.   It's probably enlightening to ask someone what their alternate reality is.  What jump would they make if risk or time/money was not an issue?

I think I would open up a little breakfast shop/restaurant in a little place like Nelson, BC.  I love breakfast.  Truly love it.  I have a blueberry (these days it's concord grapes instead, yum!) pancake every morning with maple syrup and homemade fruit sauces.   I think breakfast should be celebrated and lingered over.   If you have trouble getting out of bed in the morning, get into a routine of an amazing home-cooked breakfast.  It's something to look forward to, and I swear you will feel better for the rest of the day.

So here is the paradox.  My crazy jump into something completely different would lead me to the mother of all nests: the home-cooked breakfast shop.  I picture it small, warm and full of great smells and great people that I know and love.   So I guess like many people I have a secret longing for the simple life, the one where you're so happy and comfortable you don't want to jump anywhere.   I'm pretty sure that things would turn out differently if I actually did it.  It may just be a case of wherever you go, there you are.   I'd probably get there and miss the world of technology and digital media terribly.   I'd probably start to hate breakfast.  And then I'd look around for the next jump out of there.

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