Friday, October 16, 2009

Ungrounded wall (day 49)

Some days are just a little ungrounded.  Like today.  I woke up way too late and so did Steve.  We were both thrown into the day with no time to say hello.  The whole day reeled from this.  Everything I did seemed like it was late or instead of something else I should be doing.  Not that I wasted time, not at all.  It just felt all out of step like the beat and I never met.  Even now as I write this I have a craving for an unknown balm.  This is what drives people to eat, that feeling of needing something.  I'm pretty sure it's not food I'm craving, but movement.  No time to exercise and computer work all day makes for a pretty underutilized body.  Everyone should dance every day.  I usually do but today no dance and no joy.

I spent many hours today tweaking a 3D model of the Israeli/Palestinian wall superimposed on a 3D topo map of San Francisco.  It's not quite there yet but hopefully a bit more work and it'll be ready to be 3D printed for an upcoming exhibition.  The work is the brainchild of Paula Levine.  What stunned me most as I was working on the models is how long the wall is - and how tall.  It's amazing that most people either don't know this wall is being built or don't know the scale of the project.  This is a wall whose boundaries are chosen based on fear and greed.  It separates people from each other and from their livelihood.  I wonder how many more walls before we realize it just doesn't work.

A song for this post.

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